Wing Commander Information Center
"There were a lot of ways to serve the Fleet, and if need be get your ass blown off for doing it."
Geoffrey Tolwyn[1]

The Terran Confederation Fleet (Confed Fleet) is an organization of the Terran Confederation.

An old saying says "You have to be half mad to join the Fleet, and fully mad to stay with it."[1]

According to its tradition, the Fleet takes care of its own; Fleet personnel rely to other Fleet personnel.[1]

According to Vance Richards the Confederation Service Academy and even the outer world flight schools, turn out dedicated top notch pilots, despite all the difficulties can match any adversity in space.[1]

The nonflight personnel have good training but after their 6-year enlistment, many of them jump to the safer merchant fleets and commercial lines. Some "old guzzler" types could never find a job outside of the fleet.[1]

During the Kilrathi crisis, the Admiral of the Fleet (CICConFedFlt) was Spencer Banbridge. Banbridge considered his high position a proof of how unjust system is the Fleet.[2]


See also[]

  • Confederation Fleet Personnel Office
  • Fleet Intel
  • Fleet Cross


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 William R. Forstchen, Action Stations, Chapter 2
  2. William R. Forstchen, Action Stations, Chapter 1