Wing Commander Information Center

Jeanette Devereaux callsign Angel (2626-2669) is a native of Belgium, she was a starfighter pilot in the Terran Confederation Space Force, flying under the callsign of Angel. She took part to the Vega Sector and Enigma Sector campaigns and worked also in the Special Operations division during the period of the Terran-Kilrathi War.

Personal biography[]

Jeanette Devereaux was born in 2626 in Brussels, Belgium on Earth.

Vega Campaign[]

Angel during Vega Campaign

In April 2654 Angel received a Bronze Star.[1]

In 2654, already promoted to Captain, Angel flew off the Confederation strike carrier TCS Tiger's Claw during the Vega Campaign. During this period Angel was assigned to the "Killer Bees" Squadron, equipped with Hornet Light Fighters and flew in the Cheng-Du system. With her wingman they attempted to rescue Valkyrie while a Ralari-class was patroling the system.[2] Later they escorted an Exeter-class on its way to the Ymir system while protecting her against Dakhath nar Sihkag.[3] They also joined Hunter while protecting the Claw against a wave of Grathas.[4]

During the campaign she also flew in the Gimle system with Spirit in a Raptor of the Star Slayer Squadron. Their first mission was assisting an Exeter-class to join the Claw[5] and then they had the privilege to fly in a routine patrol mission testing the new Rapier Medium Fighters[6]. They flew one more mission with Raptors, where they were pursued by Dakhath nar Sihkag.[7]

In the first game, Christopher Blair flies with Angel in two possible series, which however are mutually exclusive as they are in the same level (with the Brimstone system series): As Chengdu is in the losing scenario and Gimle in the winning scenario, they can't be played both in a single run; and even can be missed altogether if the player takes the path to Brimstone which is in the middle path. The Memoirs of Lieutenant Colonel Carl T. LaFong resolves this by saying that Angel flew Chengdu with Paladin and Gimle with Spirit; the protagonist was absent from both, while himself he participated in the Brimstone series. WC3 novel confirms that Blair flew with Maniac at Gimle.

Operation: Thor's Hammer[]

In 2655, after the Confederation successfully repelled the Kilrathi from the Vega sector, the Tiger's Claw and her crew were sent in to investigate what happened to Goddard. While pushing their way into the Border Zone system, she flew Epsilon Wing with Blair in Raptors and they destroyed a Fralthi-class.[8] Later they escorted the Drayman-class group Sleipnir transporting Reaver elite marines to safety.[9]

Operation: Crusade[]

In the Firekka system Bossman and Angel were ambushed by several wings of Drakhai and Bossman was killed.[10] She was much affected and felt the need to write a letter to his wife explaining what happened.[11]

When the Claw returned to Firekka, Angel and Sorcerer were sent to escort one of the marine transports, the TCS General Powell, but it never showed up in the jump point[12] as it had been captured by the Kilrathi.

Colonel Zaritsky asked her to take command of the TCS Austin's fighter squadron and be promoted to Major. After spending some time alone she decided to be transferred to the Austin at the next rendezvous. In two of her last missions on the Claw, Prankster and Angel flew refit Dralthi Mk. IIs as Omicron Wing in order to rescue a Confederation Marines Drayman-class that was leaving Firekka. On their way back to the Claw, they saved their carrier from a fighter attack.[13]

Ordered to inflict as much damage as possible on their way out, Prankster and Angel flew F-44 Rapier IIs as Omega Wing. They engaged several waves of fighters and came by a Dorkir-class and Fralthi-class. On their return, they fended off an attack against the Claw.[14]

Captain Deveraux attended Puma's funeral, after which, seeing how Spirit felt devastated and responsible for his death, she offered to walk her to the Barracks. Shortly after he was calle to the Flight Deck, where Peter Halcyon announced the defection of the KIS Ras Nik'hra. Angel expressed the concern that a trap may lie behind this.[15]

By the next week, more Kilrathi arrived in the system. She flew with Bossman as Gamma Wing patrolling the jump point area. During the mission, suddenly a Kilrathi strike force surrounded them, a Fralthi-class, corvettes, and 2 Lumbari-class tankers. Bossman ordered her to return to the Claw, and he kept the ships busy long enough for her to get out of range; transmitting as much information to her as he could, and his last words were to tell his wife that he loves her. Angel wanted to go back, but she had to survive and warn the Claw.[16]

In the meantime, While jockeying at the TCS Austin, Hunter recommended her to the Captain of the ship and James Reilly to replace Nikolai Petrenkov as a squadron leader. The Captain agreed and called Colonel Halcyon about it, who expressed his satisfaction for her promotion, but sadness to see her leave.[16]

Angel returned to the Claw and went to Halcyon's office to report Bossman's death; Halcyon didn't want her to fly any more missions that day. Then she withdrew to the Rec Room crying alone over a glass of pink soda. Hunter came to her eager to relate her the good news, but then she learnt the bad ones first. She burst into mourning and Hunter gave his hands so that she could hold on to something; however he told her the news about her promotion. Despite her feeling guilty for not being able to help Bossman, Hunter reminded all her qualities that would make her ideal.[16]Mercedes Lackey and Ellen Guon, Freedom Flight, Chapter 6</ref>

Even 10 years later, she was still much affected by Bossman's death.[17][18]

Vengeance of the Kilrathi[]

They destroyed the Kilrathi HQ in the Enigma Sector at K'tithrak Mang.

Devereaux was one of the few pilots to survive the destruction of the Claw when the ship was ambushed by a squadron of the then-unknown Kilrathi Strakha Stealth Fighters and lost with (almost) all hands.[19]

By 2665, Devereaux had risen through the ranks up to Colonel and was serving as Wing Commander onboard Geoffrey Tolwyn's flagship, the TCS Concordia. There she served with Spirit, Jazz and Doomsday. The ship was in the Enigma Sector with TCS Beowulf, attempting to subdue enemy presence when Sarthas from a Fralthra-class attacked them. However dishonored Capt. Blair (and LaFong) assisted the Concordia with Elizabeth Norwood.[20]

Angel was one of his staunchest supporters. She grounded Stingray for refusing to fly with him and assigned Kilroy as leader of the Gold Wing.[21] Before returning to the Caernarvon Station, Norwood suggested to her to consider assigning Blair (and LaFong) to the Concordia and promised to do so. After a sabotage, and Norwood's death, Blair (and LaFong) was stranded there and assigned to the Concordia by a grudging Geoffrey Tolwyn.[22]

When LaFong reported once more the appearance of phantom fighters, his flight recorder was busted, and Angel showed skepticism to his claims. She refused to forward this to Tolwyn, and reported the appearance of Drakhris instead.[23][24]

Because of the constant bickering with others, Angel assigned Jazz and Stingray to escort one of the daily garbage shuttle to the asteroids.[25]

While playing a game of cards with Doomsday and Spirit, she explained to Maverick that despite his performance, Tolwyn insisted to not allow him fly combat missions.[26]

In Heaven's Gate system she assigned Maverick to fly with Spirit. This caused some bitter comments by Stingray, which were answered by Hobbes, and Angel ordered both of them in her office.[27]

The subsequent death of Spirit took a heavy toll on Blair, LaFong, and Angel. Angel realised that the war is nothing but a vicious circle in which everyone she loves is killed. Those weak moments brought Maverick and Angel closer together and the next couple of weeks they developed a romantic relationship (and LaFong at least developed a strong friendship with Angel, but hoped it was love[28]).[29] This was not without problems however, as there was some gossiping and grumbling about her being used, and Angel was concerned not to give choice missions. Although she first appointed him to a raid against a Kilrathi listening post, she put Buckaroo in his place, and assigned LaFong routine patrol. She usually seemed to be distracted.[30][31]

Angel flew on his wing to demonstrate her confidence in him.

Devereaux was still aboard and in the Wing Commander role when Blair personally destroyed the K'tithrak Mang on a daring solo mission (although he may have secretly gotten help from Carl T. LaFong[32][33]).

File:Angel Thrakhath.gif

Angel (left) faces Prince Thrakhath (right)

Following the Enigma Sector campaign, details on Devereaux's career become a little hazy. However, it is known that by 2668 she had transferred to the Special Operations division ran by another Claw veteran, Gen. James "Paladin" Taggart, leaving control of the Concordia flight group to Blair. In 2669, after the Battle of Earth, Angel embarked on a Special Operations mission, aimed to secretly penetrate into Kilrathi territory. Flying a captured Kilrathi transport ship, Devereaux and her crew reached Kilrah, the enemy home planet, and conducted a geological survey, confirming that the planet was, from a seismic standpoint, ready to fall apart at the seams. They then set up three secret asteroid bases within the Kilrathi star system for use in a future Temblor Bomb strike.

Unfortunately, after setting up all the depots, Devereaux and her crew were captured by the Kilrathi and imprisoned. During a Kilrathi council held by the Emperor himself, the Special Operatives were bodily disintegrated. Angel, the only exception, was personally disemboweled by Crown Prince Thrakhath nar Kiranka, a sort of backhanded honor bestowed on powerful enemies. A holographic recording of the event was later used against Col. Blair, who eventually led the strike to deliver the Temblor Bomb and kill Thrakhath, thus following through on his "lair-mate's" work.


She is widely known for her marksmanship. She was also very confident about the rules of combat flying that had evolved throughout the centuries and did not tolerate freshmen who defied these rules and went by instinct.[34] Angel was a straightforward, skilled, "by the book" kind of pilot, with a perfect record for all her years in the Navy. Furthermore, she has a talent for working with people, as she cares about those around her.[16]

She is usually described as a cool, rational person who regarded her role as a fighter pilot as an honor and lived to fight the good fight.

Spirit and angel

Spirit sitting with Angel

She would be seen in the Rec Room holding a notepad studying her calculations and statistics. Angel took particular interest in the statistical aspects of fighter combat, and could often be heard conversing on such while off-duty. Many pilots found it practical to know that the Kilrathi Salthi tended to break to one side more frequently than the other (due to the arrangement of its ducts), but this information and more like it (a great deal more) gave Angel a reputation as a bit of an egghead.

She always thought of herself as different from the other pilots, and that if she care only about herself, perfecting her skills, could never be hurt, feel pain or fear. This changed after Bossman's death.[11]

Personnel file[]

Paul Gerald considered her one of the best pilots and commanders in the ship, with a crisp, clean flying style and a thorough understanding of battle situations.[35]

As a commander, Angel was uncommon in using cold demeanor and lack of compassion, which made peers and subordinates to complain about it. Her lack of sympathy or camaraderie to inspire her pilots, was countered by her positive reinforcement for improvement. Her methods proved to be effective, drilling her pilots until their skills begin to develop.[35]

Behind the scenes[]

WC1 VDU Angel

An alternate callsign considered for Devereaux was Libra...a dual reference to her being born in early October, and to her penchant for doing things "by the book...or not at all".

If Angel is killed in WCI, these words are heard:

"We are here to bid farewell to Captain Jeannette Devereaux our friend and comrade-at-arms. The Tiger's Claw will miss both her piloting skills and her fiery devotion to the Terran Confederation."
― Peter Halcyon
"Au revoir, Angel. We will carry on the fight for you."

In Operation: Thor's Hammer this becomes:

"I am saddened to note the passage of one of our most devoted warriors our friend, Captain Jeanette Devereaux. She gave everything she was to combat the Kilrathi. She has nnow made the final sacrifice for the Confederation."
Peter Halcyon
"Au revoir, Angel. I will fight the Kilrathi as you did, with all my heart."


  1. Claw Marks (Wing Commander I box package), Comm Relay
  2. Template:Wc
  3. Wing Commander I, Chengdu series (Mission 2)
  4. Wing Commander I, Chengdu series (Mission 3)
  5. Wing Commander I, Gimle series (Mission 1)
  6. Wing Commander I, Gimle series (Mission 2)
  7. Wing Commander I, Gimle series (Mission 3)
  8. Wing Commander I, Border Zone series (Mission 1)
  9. Wing Commander I, Border Zone series (Mission 2)
  10. Wing Commander I, Firekka series (Mission b2)
  11. 11.0 11.1 Wing Commander I, Firekka series (Mission c2)
  12. Wing Commander I, Firekka series (Mission d1) (Debriefing)
  13. Wing Commander I, Corsair series (Mission c1)
  14. Wing Commander I, Corsair series (Mission c2)
  15. Mercedes Lackey and Ellen Guon, Freedom Flight, Chapter 4
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named fr6
  17. Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi, Ghorah Khar series (Mission L1)
  18. Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi, Niven series (Mission 1)
  19. Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi, Introduction
  20. Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi, Gwynedd series (Mission 2)
  21. Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi, Gwynedd series (Mission 3)
  22. Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi, Gwynedd series (Mission 4)
  23. Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi, Niven series (Mission 4)
  24. Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi, Ghorah Khar series (Mission L4)
  25. Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi, Novaya Kiev series (Mission 3)
  26. Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi, Novaya Kiev series (Mission 4)
  27. Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi, Heaven's Gate series (Mission 1)
  28. WC1&2G, pg
  29. Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi, Heaven's Gate series (Mission 4)
  30. Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi, Tesla series (Mission 1)
  31. Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi, Tesla series (Mission 2)
  32. Star*Soldier, 26
  33. WC1&2 guide, pg
  34. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named prof
  35. 35.0 35.1 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named dvrx