Senator Jamison More was a politician of the Terran Confederation.
He was one of the representatives from Primus III and the head of the Senate Appropriations Committee. More was of the politicians who never served or studied history, moaned about funding, but would send pilots and soldiers out to die.[1]
Sometimes More used to be blown in front of the cameras, especially after having several drinks, and his staff knew when and how to get him out. Although serving durinhg the Kilrathi crisis, he was more interested in terraforming projects, such that of a moon orbiting his planet, the homeless of Yorin, the victims of Happy Death, expanding the Confederation cabinet level position on cultural sensitivity, redirecting resources to those projects and neglecting the border defense. The Confed Fleet board begged the Committee for the additional 10 million for a Wildcat upgrade, but since neither the upgrade facility for the Wildcat nor the main factory for its replacement went to More's district, he turned on the plan and have locked it in committee for 3.5 years.[2]
Encounter with Tolwyn[]
He was present at the 2634 graduation ceremony of the Confederation Service Academy in Houston. Before that he sat in on a hearing with Spencer Banbridge where his appropriation request for 3 carriers and 6 battleships to counter the Kilrathi threat was denied; More commented that this would be a provocative signal.[2]
That night Journalists surrounded him concerning the possibility that the Committee would vote to close the school down. More held the position that there are more significant traditions to invest money on, and several issues such as terraforming. After a century of peace he characterised the navy as an "expensive toy" for the Admirals, against the minor Kilrathi threat.[2]
During his interview he was approached by young Ensign Geoffrey Tolwyn who reminded him that Primus Three is too close from the Kilrathi borders, and complained that his committee held back the upgrade of the outdated Wildcat fighter, risking the pilot's lives; in a bitter comment the Ensign proposed to build the facilities in his district in order for him to profit, and the pilots to survive; with that he nodded politely and left; Meanwhile More was hustled by his aides off the awkward moment, replaced by his smiling press flaks giving banal comments. Meanwhile an aide approached and shouted at the Ensign who ignored him. Later More was red-faced, pushing his way through the crowd and the aides trying to stop him, ready for a political fight with Banbridge over appropriations and service discipline; but the Admiral evaded him by leaving the room in time.[2]
In the following days, Tolwyn's accusations hit all the major vid services and were reproduced and repeated by More's compatriots from the opposition party.[3]
However later his policy changed. Although at first he was hamstring the fleet, he later pressed the fleet to take limited surgical action against the Kilrathi so that they would stop making raids to the frontier worlds. Also he insisted on installing a facility on his planet.[1]
Feud with Banbridge[]
Angered with Admiral Banbridge, and favoring Kolensky over him, he heard him in the press saying that More's political motivations blocked the upgrade facilities for the Wildcat fighters. The next day, on 2634.181 he stormed in his office at the CIC headquarters as if it was his domain, and without any pleasantries, he complained angrily. He made clear that for him is his district or nothing. The Admiral attempted to warn him that his district is very close from what will be the front line as declaration of war is imminent. More mocked him asking if he was afraid, as the "fleet boys" look a chance for shoot-ups. He questioned Spencer for opposing the current policy of the surgical strikes. He also brought up the matter of the facility on his planet, which Spencer dismissed, as it was too close to the front lines, and such installations are made to the inner worlds.[1]
Seeing the Senator's insistence on the "surgical strikes", the deaths of pilots and his politician maneuvers to shift the blame, Banbridge swore that he will make him answer to the mothers of the dead pilots. More threatened Banbridge that he will begin investigations on him so that he can't breathe, before being ousted out of his office, joined by his lackeys.[1]